Although being short, the whole concept of it was sharp precise and a huge crack up. Im glad it was funny and ddint need to be added on to something....that was pure genious! Cheers!
Your COmrade,
Although being short, the whole concept of it was sharp precise and a huge crack up. Im glad it was funny and ddint need to be added on to something....that was pure genious! Cheers!
Your COmrade,
Guys this was really a great flash and were a really great impression on Oscars work and some parts even mad me beleive that Oscar himself did it. This is truely a great work. You should be proud you accomplished something like this! Cheers!
Yea New Season of Dad
Good Old a sick and twisted fashion, just wondering though....where did you get that preloader, Ive been trying to find the template of it forever but I just cant seem to find it....if you could message me a link to it or send me the fla. for it that would be great...thanks. But great work!
Your Comrade,
Thats so not true, just look at the Force unleashed trailers a jedi would just craush that guy with the movement of his pinky!
But anyways good flash, nive style.
Your Comade,
In order to make there be a cartoon, I had to make it so that the jedi couldnt use the force to crush the ninja.
Preety good
Now the only thing really putting you down is your animating skills, you got the artistry down pat the only things is to make it flow or make it a bit faster, and make you charecters a little would you say it.....flewible. But other than that its great!
"The point of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for HIS!"- General Patton
Age 33, Male
Earl Haig HS
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joined on 9/16/06