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    "The point of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for HIS!"- General Patton

    Sterling Best @Methlodis

    Age 33, Male


    Earl Haig HS

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Joined on 9/16/06

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    Madness Portal- Update 2 (2/17/08)

    Posted by Methlodis - February 17th, 2008

    Hey everybody I just wanted to let everyone know that Madness Portal is coming along quite nicely. I've completed the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd scene and I'm currently working on the 4th. And as all you keep commenting the action has picked up a dramatic pace and has become action packed.

    And to celebrate 10,000 views of the preview I present to you this pick of the second scene. Please comment on what you think of it and if there is anything you should mention on changing (models, characters, etc.) please comment. And yes, I have changed the costume of the main charecter on because I think this one is ten times cooler and I hope you all agree.

    I am also going to release a new trailer about a month from now to show everyone the true action of this madness masterpiece. Though it will be unlike before in the fact that it will not just be another showing of a scene but an actual trailer that I will make up. And it will be a little longer and more action packed than before, since so many of you have commented on that aspect of it.

    One last thing, if everyone could help me out and please recommend my original to the madness collection of Newgrounds that would be wonderful, and so I can spread the word about the flash more easily. For those who have missed it you can watch it here.

    Well look at the pic below and please comment, your thoughts are highly appreciated!

    Edit: Also visit the forum to discuss about this great achievement here!

    Madness Portal- Update 2 (2/17/08)


    Nice. I want a sneak peek please. :(

    Maybe if your very, very nice to me, vote 5 on the trailer, recommend it for the madness collection and give me a cookie. Then I'll think about it :3

    I already did all those things last month!

    Check your last blog. ;P

    Ummmm....well. You didn't give me a cookie. And you didn't respond to my update in the forum which I posted about 5 minutes ago. SO there ha! :3

    I can just smell an epic win just WAITING to happen...

    or it could be kittens.... I loves kittens :3

    Well thanks glad that you enjoy it!


    Just like candy! XD

    hey! I want for MP, when you think upload Madness Portal? I wanna see it!!!!! XP

    Umm...well I have been lazy so Im really starting to work on it through-out the summer, so actually, yea madness day. lol

    Post another update buddy!

    I will be pateint

    I very much enjoy the look and feel of madness, but it's been so many I really thought it couldn't be given any kind of twist that would make it interesting again. I'm very happy to be proven wrong. As much as I like the madness feel, I'm personally hoping some of the portal quirkiness shines through. Looks like it's coming along nicely. I'll be looking forward to it very much.

    I can' wait:)

    i like how you think with madness and portal and tell you are gonna make the turrets stupid for they are stupid in the game when i play and nice trailer

    You may have been alerted to this already or it's supposed to be that way, but "Apature" is not the right spelling. it's "Aperture". Aside from that, the trailer wasa great and I can't wait for the full version!

    lol I get that alot.......though I finally did change it when I went back to edit some fo this scene lol

    mmm... ey i know the game! its really good and this animation rocks

    i voted 5 for the trailer

    ugh i cant wait but, i thought it wuz a game? oh well just make a game after.......or now :3

    This movie was last updated over 5 months ago. WHEN IS THING GOING TO ME FINISHED ANYWAY?!?!

    one thing you must have is some guy going through a portal on the floor then coming out one in ythe celing untill hess going fast as hell untill hank (???) sticks out a sword ad cuts him in half.
    that whould be sick.


    It is Aperture. Lol.

    i made a realistic, source like bullet-to-metal mark.

    so if you want it, i can send it.

    it's of course made in flash, and it is a 1 kb file.

    you can probably relpace your current gunmarks with it if they are symbols.

    if you want it, please give me your msn/e-mail, respond, and i WILL send it.

    Well, its september 22nd 2008, and still no madness portal. I waited for nearly a year for it, and still nothing :(

    He will have a Portal gun or the portals will be automatic?

    Well its hard to make something really cool, when yu have to aim and shoot every time, though it always adds some drama when he does. So its a bit of both depending on the situation and the time. I actually kind of like the balance I have put between the two so far.

    Pixellator is right. It is Aperture, not Apature.

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